Its been a while

Hi everyone its been a while. A lot has happened in the world since my new year post. I hope everyone is doing well in these scary and uncertain times. That being said lets jump into what is new and exciting in the world of Fold. Full disclosure I have not been putting pen to paper since my last post it has been one hell of a crazy year! World events aside my Appendix exploded! Its ok though its now gone and I am fully recovered but not only that I had my first full on allergic reaction to an antibiotic which also put me in the hospital, I swear 2020 is trying to take me out. Never the less I am still here and while I have not been physically writing I am always working on my book in my head. Massive changes and overhauls have been made to 2 of the 3 protagonists. Njongo UThixo has a completely new back story and character, the only thing that remained the same is that he is still a fire mage. Milia Aldrich is still a princess but she is now older and more of a bad ass. Remember when I said everything is subject to change? Well I am back to only having chapter 1 completed.Goodbye literally months worth of writing, why do I do this to myself? Well ultimately it will make my story better and make me proud of the finished product. That being said I end this post with a public apology to George R.R. Martin. I apologize sir, I was one of those many fans that would see you say that you had scrapped your writing and started over, that the next book of GOT was done but you weren’t happy with it so you scrapped the whole thing, and say what the hell man just give me the next book already. I now understand you and let me say it is not an easy decision to just throw away all of that work you did and start over, but I did it and I am looking forward to the next exciting chapter in my story. Stay tuned for new and exciting updates coming soon.

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