Schatten – The Shadow Forest

The Shadow forest is an ancient forest that spans the western border of the Kingdom of Zhou. There are many myths surrounding the forest and its creatures. Most believe the creatures of the forest are actually an the ancient race of people known as “The Builders” cursed for defying the gods. They believe the gods were angered when the builders began creating enchanted weapons that could slay a god know as “Godslayers”. The gods could not destroy the weapons so they sealed them in a hidden temple deep in the forest and cursed the builders changing them into powerful immortal demons bound to the forest to protect the temple from intruders. It is said that their curse was so powerful that their presence in the forest tainted the inhabiting animals changing them into lesser demons, these lesser demons are not bound by the forest and spread throughout Fold prompting the creation of the Fold Liberation Army a group of citizens of Fold dubbed “Exorcists” that hunt the escaped creatures throughout the land. They swear allegiance to no one and are supported by all kingdoms of Fold. Many expeditions have been organized to try and explore the forest and discover its secrets but none that have entered have ever returned.

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